Posted in 2010s, Category F, Female Author, No Female Protagonists

Houseki no Kuni (Land of the Lustrous)

Category F



There was only one named female character in this show.

  1. Are there two named female characters?
  2. Who have a conversation?
  3. Not about men?
  4. Does this happen frequently?
  5. Is the conversation non-trivial?

For once, the Bechdel test isn’t very good at judging anything. Sure there is only one female character, but there’s only one male character too (I’m refraining from speculating on Kongou sensei’s gender). All of the jewels are strictly gender-less, which makes this show very refreshing. Interestingly though, some characters are spoken of using male pronouns even though Japanese doesn’t really need to use pronouns at all, I haven’t noticed any female pronouns at all. Anyway, attraction is probably not a thing, reproduction is definitely not a thing and society seems pretty meritocratic, which doesn’t mean there isn’t any discrimination (they somewhat bully the stupid), but that’s at least something one can work on and change. Overall, I thought this show was great. In honour of my favourite scene I now have a flash program which asks the jellyfish whether they agree with something or not.

Flash program

More data:

Author gender: female
No. of female protagonists/all protagonists: 0/1
Year of airing: 2017

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